Sunday, January 8, 2017

Winter in the RV!!

 I haven't updated, lately! (This post has been hanging out on my phone for about a month so I'm just going to cover from early November to early January.) We have been super busy getting set up since we have been back in South Dakota. The last few weeks have been kind of fraught with problems as we get adjusted to RV living. There are certain things that you take for granted living in an actual house. Like draining water or flushing a toilet and then not having to worry about dealing with it later. We have found that holding tanks have to be drained once a week. And when it gets super cold, running two space heaters (one under the camper and inside) overloads the fuse panel. Or in order to use the microwave, one must first turn off the space heater. I came home from my paper run one night to find that the fuse had blown and we had conveniently ran out of propane which then allowed the water pipes to freeze. The propane always runs out in the middle of the night. Always!! So, with temperatures being below zero, there was no hope of thawing until temps rose to 20 degrees. This meant using disposable dishes and filling water jugs outside to flush the toilet with. But hey, at least we have access to warm showers and laundry at my wonderful brother's house. I just take it day by day.

The kids are enjoying it though! I pile blankets on them at night and they never complain of being cold which is my main concern. I'm a little amused that when it gets really cold, frost forms inside their closets freezing their clothes to the walls. I've used my hair dryer several times to defrost the front door. We are staying sufficiently warm! Even when it gets to -23 at night we stay pretty cozy. Thank you, Lord, for electric blankets!

Homeschool: It happens, sometimes. I took a break during the holiday season because of a lack of a schedule. Its interesting doing this in a camper, but we have done some retrofitting to make room for my crates of homeschool stuff. (Pics to come)

Clean-up: Well, let's just say that things get cluttered and messy real fast with five people and two yellow labs occupying space. However, everything is straightened up even faster. Having minimal toys, clothes and dishes everything has a place. Vacuuming is a breeze. But I am ready for summer so we can get rid of all of the winter gear that takes up so much space and the melted snow and mud that is unavoidably tracked through the camper.

At this point, financially we are not making our goals. We started out this expensive endeavor by getting custom skirting made for our almost-forty-foot camper. And from there we had to winterize our water source, then re-winterize it again when the first time failed. I envy the people that can follow the warm weather in their RVs and not have to deal with this. Paying for our spot at the campground is more than what our payment is on the camper. We are trying to rectify this but it's the middle of winter and moving is hard. But we are in a beautiful, park-like location. So for now I am abiding.

Kyle's schedule just recently opened up in the work area so we have really been looking into him putting his teaching degree to use and substitute teaching in the area until the end of the school year and then work-camping this summer before heading back to Canada in the fall. If you are unfamiliar with this term it's basically living at a campground for free if you work there a few hours a week keeping things maintained and clean. Its a no-brainer. We are fortunate to live in some of the best camping territory in the country. We basically have our pick of where to go. Do we want to be lake bums for the summer? How about camping within easy access to awesome hiking trails? I'm wanting to get into geocaching with the kids.

At last we have decided to buy a membership for the local Hart Ranch campground and work-camp there all year-round. It has great amenities and is centrally located. It will be an hour away from our beloved Belle Fourche, but I think for the time-being it is for the best. Our plans are to get settled there perhaps by the beginning of February.

I think that is it for now! Thanks for reading! I am trying to get pictures posted. Sometime. Maybe.