Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Spring, soccer and peeing in the grass

It is finally SPRING! And we are enjoying our tiny-home living. I don't like the term "rv living" because I feel it sounds a little "Cousin Eddie"........

Forgive the language, but this scene runs through my head every time we dump the tanks. So, "tiny home" it is!!

So, it has been 6 months since we embarked on this journey of living in our camper. Many people's reactions to me are, "I don't know how you do it. I never could." Thank you for your encouragement. Did you note the sarcasm? Laying it on pretty thick.

Actually, I'm surprised by my lack of losing my mind. Now, there are days where kids are just hard in general and it has nothing to do with the size of your home or how minimalistic your living space is. But, our kids are forced to get along and resolve their issues because they don't have their own room to run away to. So, in a strange way, my sanity is pretty intact.

Soccer has started and both Caed and Quinn are participating.
I'm already tired and it's only been one week. And it's peewee soccer. I'm a pansy. But the kids enjoy it so I deal. Until I forget to bring the after-game snacks and then I will eternally be remembered as "THAT mom." Can I just get a couple t-shirts with "I'm THAT mom" printed on them?

On the nicer days we try to make an attempt at getting outside to ride bikes or play more. This also has provided some challenges as my two-year, whom I have unashamedly taught to pee on a tree when playing outside at grandma and grandpa's, had started peeing outside here at Hart Ranch when I'm not looking.

Now, I'm aware of social taboos and where peeing publicly fits in that. So I do correct him when I catch him. But, apparently, in our pretentious RV park, people feel the need to call the manager every time Graham decides to water the lawn. If it were Caedmon, that's another issue. But it's the two-year-old. Ever have to evacuate the toilet mid-stream when your toddler decides to throw open the front door, drop his pants clear to his ankles and pee off the front steps? I darn near ruined a good pair of jeans trying to get them up fast enough so as not to further scandalize nosy neighbors with a view of my be-thonged backside. (TMI? Don't care....)

"What's your name? He'll write it for ya. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!"
Anyhoo, homeschool is going very well. We are working on staying consistent and Caedmon is now starting to recognize sight-words and is sounding out words in sentences. He is gaining more self-esteem the better he does and we have more good days than bad. Praise Jesus! I'm considering starting Kindergarten with Quinn this coming Fall and see where she's at. The beauty is we can dial it back if it's too much for her. I'm also currently open to ideas of how to keep a three year-old busy.

So far the kids are enjoying tiny-home living, as are Kyle and I. We enjoy the freedom, flexibility and sense of adventure it provides. I think these are things that our souls need, right now.

'Til next time!